Not that we have had a dip in temperatures, much rain or snow you might like to know the qualifying week for winter fuel began during the week of 21 to 27 September 2020! If you lived in the UK for at least one day during this week and were born on or before 5 October 1954 you will qualify for winter fuel payments this year. Whilst it seems daft talking about winter fuel, cold temperatures and fuel poverty now it is important that people are aware of the entitlement and how they claim it. This payment is made to help with your winter heating bills.
You should receive a winter payment automatically, if you are eligible and are in receipt of state pension or certain other benefits, with payments being made between November and December. You will receive a letter notifying you of your entitlement. If, for any reason, you do not receive your winter fuel payment you will need to make a claim to the Winter Fuel Payment Centre on 0800 731 0160. You have until 31 March 2021 to claim your payment for the 2020/2021 winter.