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Are you ready???

Kevin Collier

The government are saying that we are a few weeks behind the European upwards curve for the second wave of Coronavirus. As no-one can tell for sure what is round the corner and the return to restrictions, lockdown and shielding are all possibilities what should you do to make sure you are better prepared than before?

We have certainly learnt there is no need to stock pile toilet rolls, baked beans or pasta. Hysteria does not help but sensible planning does.

Firstly, if you are out and about from 24 September look out in shops, offices and other businesses for the Covid app QR code. Businesses are able to sign up to the online app and display at their premises a QR code which you can scan to your phone to automatically register as a visitor under the track and trace system. If you want to know what one of these looks at have a look at the articles in Argo news.

For those who are likely to be within a shielding category make sure you have everything in place to enable people to help you if do find yourself shielding again. Make sure you have registered your property and affairs lasting power of attorney with the bank and those organisations you regularly deal with. This will allow your attorneys to deal with the daily tasks that you might not be able to do. On average it can take between two and four weeks for this registration process to complete and requires a visit by your attorneys to the bank.

Lasting powers of attorney are also important for your family members as they will be able to take care of paying the mortgage, collecting pensions, applying for government financial support, if necessary. For business owners it will enable your colleagues to continue to run your business in the event you become unwell.

if you do not have a registered property and affairs lasting power of attorney take the opportunity to make one. Okay, this will take over six weeks for the Office of the Public Guardian to register but at least it is in the system.

If you find that you need support and do not have a property and affairs lasting power of attorney at least put in place a general power of attorney. This will allow your attorneys to assist with daily matters, in accordance with your instructions. This could prove invaluable as a temporary measure.

For many earlier this year being infected with Covid was not only a shock but a life altering or, in some cases, ending, situation. No-one is prepared to deal with what we saw earlier this year but did the coverage of hospital treatment wards make you think?

A health and welfare lasting power of attorney will enable those you trust to be the decision maker in relation to all circumstances concerning health and welfare. It will also allow them to make the decision about whether you receive life sustaining treatment. Whilst the power cannot force the medical profession to treat you it will enable a discussion to be had with those who need to be there at this time.

At least, if you do not have a health and welfare lasting power of attorney put in place an advanced directive. This will not give your family members the decision making power but it will show medics what your wishes are in the event you do become poorly and have to be sedated or ventilated.

There are so many things that we may need to deal with if Covid continues to increase but lets, at least, try to be prepared and practical about what we can do to be as ready as we can be.

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