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Compulsory covid vaccination for care home staff

Kevin Collier

You may have seen yesterday in news coverage, that legislation is planned to make it compulsory for anyone working in a CQC registered care home in England, which provides nursing or personal care, to have the double dose of the covid vaccination, unless they have a medical exemption.

Consultation with the public, staff, providers, residents and families of those in care have lead the government to this decision. Further consultation is to be launched to determine whether this mandatory vaccination rule should be extended to other health and social care settings.

It is hoped that from October 2021, subject to Parliamentary approval of the legislation, it will become law and it will apply to all part time and full time staff employed directly by the care home, the provider, agency staff and their volunteers. All other individuals coming into the home ie healthcare workers, tradespeople, hairdressers, beauticians and CQC inspectors will also have to follow the new legislation unless they have a medical exemption.

Further discussions are also going to take place to see whether covid and flu vaccinations should become a condition of employment for health and care settings.

You will be pleased to know that the team at Argo have received their double vaccination so will continue to be able to visit care homes to take instructions from clients when needed. You know how seriously we take our clients health and wellbeing so why not instruct us to help your family member!


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